

10 Days of Prayer

February | Small group gatherings

We will have several small groups to host our annual 10 Days of Prayer this year. If you're interested in hosting and/or leading out, or interested in more information, contact Paula Vogler.

Young Women's Retreat (ages 13-19)

Real Health: A Journey to Wellness

February 15 | 4pm - 6pm | Taunton SDA Church

The Taunton Church's Women's Ministries Department is thrilled to invite all young women ages 13-19 to a super special gathering focused on "Real Health." Come gather in faith, learn new things, share stories, and embrace a healthier lifestyle together! For more information, email

Sabbath School Teacher Training

Saturday, Feb 15 | Church | Following Potluck Lunch

Led by Pastor Sierra. If you are one of the adult teachers or someone who might be interested in teaching and you'd like some new ideas and fresh concepts to use, this class is for you.

Stewardship Leadership Training

Saturday, Feb 22 | Church | 2:30-5:30 pm

The Southern New England Conference is hosting a training on Stewardship Leadership at our church for those in the SE Mass and RI are. This training is for all, for pastors, elders, treasurers, and members who are interested in being better managers of time, talents and finances. 

Atlantic Union Festival of the Laity/SEEDS Convention

March 28-30 | Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, CT 

This dynamic event is designed to inspire, equip, and empower everyone for ministry excellence. Topics include Children's Ministry, Multi-Media Ministry, Refugees and the New Pentecost, Small Groups and Bible Studies and more. Interested? Speak to one of our church leaders about attending. Or find more details here.

Family Fun Night

March 1 | Church | 5:30 pm

Pizza, games, and fellowship.

Ongoing Events

Sabbath School Breakfast

Saturdays | Church | 8:45 am

Join us every Saturday morning for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall before the start of Sabbath School. Bring something to share if you can.

Early Morning Prayer Zoom Meeting

Wednesdays | via Zoom | 7 am

Join us every Wednesday morning for prayer with Pastor Sierra! To join, contact Pastor Sierra for the login info.

Mid-week Meeting

Wednesdays | Church | 7 pm

7:00-8:00pm at the Church. Contact Mark Turner for more information.

Small Groups

We have multiple small groups that meet at various times during the week. Interested in joining? Learn more.

Language classes

Sundays | Church | 11 am

All ages welcome! 11:00-1:00 French classes at the church with Jean Francois. 2:00-4:00 at the church English lessons continue with Jean Francois. If you need to learn English, improve your English or are somewhere in between, come and bring anyone you know who could benefit from some help.

Women's Support Group

1st Thursday each month | Church | 7 pm

A group for women to encourage, strengthen and study with each other. Meetings will run from 7:00-8:00pm

Parents Prayer Time / Kids Fellowship

Third Friday each month | 6:30 pm | Pastor's house

Parents prayer time with the Pastor Sierra, 7:00pm at the church. Kids ages 11-13 can meet at the parsonage for fellowship and study with his wife, Patricia, during that time beginning at 6:30.

Live Stream Sabbath Services

Our Sabbath services are live-streamed each week. Watch live on YouTube.


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