
Where does my offering go?


Local Church Budget

Staff salaries, school operating expenses, children’s magazines, teaching supplies, worthy student fund, church bulletins, utilities, maintenance, insurance, etc.
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Local Conference Advance

Christian education, local evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools, the monthly Union magazines, summer camps, and much more.

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World Budget

General Conference medical and educational institutions, world mission support, and evangelism.

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Special Projects

Capital campaigns for church or school projects, mission trips, supporting ministries, etc.

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Religious Liberty

More than 150 years ago, Ellen White urged us to “hold high the banner of truth and religious liberty” in these last days. The offering we will collect now allows our church in North America to do exactly that—to defend religious freedom in the courts, to support church members who face discrimination in the workplace, and to send almost a million copies of Liberty magazine each year to lawmakers and thought leaders across our nation. Please give generously as together we work to safeguard the precious gift of religious liberty.

Adventist World Radio Annual Offering

From the radio to social media to in-person evangelism, Adventist World Radio (AWR360°) is sharing messages of hope in every corner of the world. Your gift will be used where the need is greatest and will turn compassion into action.




Online Giving

Pay tithe and offerings online

Journey of the Tithe

Curious about the destination of your tithes and their impact? Watch this video to follow the journey of your tithes and witness the positive change they bring.

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ALL VIDEOS in this series