Pastor Robert Sierra


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Pastor's Corner


Dear Loved One,                                            

One of my morning devotionals spoke regarding spiritual gifts, how, in the 90s, we were excited taking the spiritual gifts inventory and learning that we may have the calling to be an evangelist, apostle or perhaps, a shepherd.  Although we may have discovered our vocation, we did absolutely little to hone, or even put the gift into practice.  According to the author of said devotional, "The result in too many cases was arrogance", e.g. "Hey, look at me, I'm a prophet" or "I'm an evangelist, etc."
What we missed is that the dispensing of spiritual gifts is a matter of grace.  That in the same manner we do not earn grace, we do not earn our spiritual gifts.  On our own, we are not qualified to do anything to grow God's Kingdom.  We bring nothing to the table and have nothing to brag about, for not one is worthy of doing God's work.  Any giftedness we may possess is made possible because God is the giver of all good gifts. (James 1:17) There is no merit system when it comes to receiving gifts; no one is deserving.  In spite of this, God calls, gifts, empowers, and commissions us, his church, to "Go and make disciples!"  Matt. 28:18-20
Brotherly Counsel:
When putting your gift into action, do not work in silos, insolation.  Granted, we are all different, but as the repository of the gospel, God has gifted His church to increase His Kingdom in the manner in which He wishes and for His glory.  All we do is: pray, show up, put our gifts to work, and allow God to do the rest.  Under Christ' leadership, we increase His Kingdom, both, individually and corporately, remembering, that, "With God, all things are possible." Matt. 19:26
I close with several questions: What spiritual gifts do you possess?  How do you know?  How are you using them?  Are you relying on God or on your own brilliance and raw talent?
If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them with me.  May God continue to bless you, your home and ministry.   
Pr Rob